There are tremendous opportunities to grow and develop your business in Johnson County. We are experiencing economic growth in our business sectors, tourism industry and real estate market. We are continually expanding our county services to meet the needs of our economic development.
We are a Three Star Community and strive for excellence in community development. We know that at the heart of a competitive economic development strategy is community development, so we diligently work to enhance and improve our community assets. You are welcome to come and be part of our economic growth.
Tennessee is a right to work state.
Johnson County Tennessee Business and Training Services for Your Company include . . .
Skilled, competent employees are the linchpin of your company. The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development’s Industrial Training Service (ITS) offers a wide variety of workforce training development and support services to both new and established companies through the state.
ITS can help you meet your initial training needs, assist in developing a customized training program, and help offset instructional expenses. In short, ITS can help you build the workforce your company needs to succeed.
Additional Training from the Industrial Training Service include . . .
Skilled, competent employees are the linchpin of your company. The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development’s Industrial Training Service (ITS) offers a wide variety of workforce training development and support services to both new and established companies through the state.
ITS can help you meet your initial training needs, assist in developing a customized training program, and help offset instructional expenses. In short, ITS can help you build the workforce your company needs to succeed.
Employee Recruitment & Screening
Recruitment and screening services will be provided by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Utilizing the client/company’s prepared job specifications, the Department of Labor and Workforce Development will recruit and screen persons for their company. Those individuals who meet the business’s specifications will be referred to the company for employment considerations.
Pre-employment Assistance
Pre-employment instruction is designed to focus on developing entry level skills in new employees. The program caninclude basic skills upgrade and allows the company to observe participants for employee placement.
Job Specific Training
Formal classroom training instructs prospective employees in specific skills which is designed for a particular company’sneeds.
On-The-Job Training (OJT)
Instruction that focuses on the development of specific skills and knowledge vital to production. Training is provided by company technicians and or instructor mutually acceptable to the Industrial Training Services and the company. Training may take place in the classroom or at the company site. Vendor – or manufacturer of actual products or service equipment may be used by the client when utilizing delivery of specific skill training. System Support Instruction associated with plant wide applications. Instruction may include new methods for increasing mechanization, quality, materials handling, etc.
Development and Coordination support the cost association with the development of instructional materials and coordination of the overall training program.
Workforce Development
Leadership training is directed to providing supervisors’ team leaders, and managers with the interpersonal skills necessary
to motivate and lead production. workers towards accomplishing organizational goals. Team Training is provided for manufacturing/production employees where interpersonal communication is important in fostering interdependence, cooperation, commitment, motivation, etc.
Instruction Certification of company personnel insures the availability of certified instructors not only at start up but also on a long term basis. The week-long certification seminar provides candidates with the facilitation skills necessary to deliver a wide range of program.